rincones magicos es pas de silla

Magical corners of Ibiza. It is Pas de S’illa

rincones mágicos de Ibiza es pas de silla

Magical corners of Ibiza. It is Pas de S’illa

Today we are going to teach you how to get to one of the most striking places of the Ibizan geography. As in our previous article of magical corners of Ibiza, we headed back toward the North. This time we are going to visit is Pas de S’ S’illa des Bosc, in the port of San Miguel.

Many can be the name of S’ S’illa des Bosc sound you. Not in vain is considered as the island more expensive in the world. His motives have.

This is another of the that you can’t go without car rental. Here it is not if the bus arrives sooner or later. It is that their road the bus simply does not pass. But let’s see how to get there.

How to reach Es Pas de S’Illa. Magical corners of Ibiza.

The first thing is to go to the port of San Miguel. To do so will have to take, if we start from Ibiza, the road that leads to Santa Eulalia de el Río. A few kilometres away we find the turn-off to Santa Gertrudis. Passing through the town, and taking advantage of if it arises, for a snack, we went without leaving the road towards San Miguel.

If you want a good panoramic view of the North, you can climb up to the Church of San Miguel and surrounding it. From here you can see perfectly the road to the port. Continuing our way we arrive at the Port de Sant Miquel.

If we got to the shore, see Es Pas de S’Illa to the Fund. Here we have two options. We rent a pedalo or take back the car in the direction of San Miguel. In the first possible detour to the right we leave the road. A kilometre we find an indication of the road to the beach. Here we leave the asphalt and move on to a dirt road. You must be careful because at certain times, after the rains, the road can be in very poor condition.

After another kilometre, this time more slowly, reach a new detour. On the left, the impressive Tower is molar. If you want to visit it, it carries water. On the right, we have the beach and really spectacular views.

The spectacular views of Es Pas de S’Illa. Magical corners of Ibiza

As we approach the beach we are realizing that is Pas de’Illa is a different place. Special. Two small coves are displayed under the road. They are simply spectacular. But even it haven’t seen everything. After a curve to the left, we find a small sandy beach. And a stone. This beach has two aspects. One towards the inside of the Cove of San Miguel, with very beautiful views. The other, towards Illa Murada, a small island that you can see something beyond, between the huge walls of cliffs that rise to our left. It is, without a doubt, one of the magical Ibiza places.

There is a small bar just before the doors giving entry to the private house that occupies the greater part of Illa des Bosc. Also the curious come to from Cala Moltons Beach and port. The only drawback is Pas de S’Illa is its parking lot, really small for all who want to enjoy this magical corner.

Magical corners of Ibiza. It is Pas de S’illa

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